
PR for Innovative Medical Research

Promoting innovative science and human-based predictive models.


About Us

Speaking of Human-Based Research (SOHBR) is a public relations organisation founded in 2014 by former BBC TV director and current media academic Alex Irving. Based in Manchester we work for national and international clients. We are proud to represent some of the world's leading medical research scientists and work with esteemed political lobbyists and young inspiring patient groups.

A friendly, hardworking culture is at the core of SOHBR. Our team is the right mix of creative talent, forward thinking, scientific expertise and commercial focus dedicated to accelerating the modernisation of medical research for the benefit of patients. You can count on SOHBR for brighter thinking.

Provide citizens and jounalists the facts with accurate, evidence-based information on the scientific and economic benifits of innovative human-based research.

Explain the importance of galvanising the traditional scientific bioscience community to modernise 'predictive models' used in medical research.

Organise pro-active communications and publicity campaigns, highlighting the current inertia amongst traditional researchers and promote the funding and adoption of innovative human-based science with its benefits to medical advancement, effective drug development, the discovery of cures and the UK biosciences economy.

Lobby for political support in Parliament for a properly moderated public scientific hearing/debate between a leading traditional 'animal modeller' research scientist vs the leading medical scientist who founded the Trans-Species Modelling Theory. The TSMT invalidates the use of animal models in the study of human diseases and drug development with empirical evidence.

We provide informed PR spokespeople for media interviews and features.

We offer scientific experts in the field of human-based predictive tools for media interviews.

The information provided by Speaking of Human-Based Research is based on scientific evidence of medical scientists and peer reviewed medical articles from journals such as the British Medical Journal.


Prompted by the recognition that the science of Human-Based Research needs a public information platform we at Speaking of Human Based Research:

The Vision