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BBC interview with SOHBR's Alex Irving


Alex Irving of Speaking of Human Based Research was interviewed this week on BBC Radio Humberside about the need for medical research reform, which is the basis for the forth coming march in Hull on Saturday 10th September orgainsed by the local people of Hull. SOHBR gives the reasons why Hull-based B&K Universal’s Beagle breeding farm will forever remain in the spotlight until the invalidity of using Beagles, and other animals, as predictors for human medicine is recognised by law makers.

Alex explains to BBC Radio listeners on the Burnsy Show, how data from experiments on animals is now proven to also fail human patients - hence this is now a human rights issue!

Alex was also interviewd by ITV on the day of the march here

Report by Hull Daily Mail prior to the march

Ms Irving said: "This is now a human rights issue. You know there's a serious problem when the Medical Research Council itself admits 95 per cent of experimental drugs that show promise during trials on animals such as dogs, fail in human clinical trials because results in animals do not translate into results for humans.

"Meanwhile, successful human-relevant technologies are under-funded, including gene-based medicine - where treatments are designed for an individual's unique genetic profile - and Skimune, a skin-based model of the human immune response, which can accurately predict the human response to a drug."

Ms Irving says the rally "will issue a challenge to the animal experimentation community to be accountable to the British public, and to the wider scientific community who oppose their claims."

Organisers say marches will continue until animal experimenters agree to submit a representative for a "properly moderated, public, scientific debate" with Dr Ray Greek, who campaigners call a world-leading human-based medical research expert.

This week's live BBC interview with SOHBR's Alex Irving promoting the science march in Hull, Sat 10th September.