
PR for Innovative Medical Research

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Televised live! Scheduled for next week on May 11th in Brussels, the EU Parliament are televising live this medical science hearing after receiving requests by over a million EU citizens. Each citizen submitted their personal details to verify their identity including passport number, address, birthdate and ID numbers.

The EU medical science hearing centres on the current question of the efficacy of the animal model. At the core of this hearing is the question of the scientific validity of continuing to use the animal model, claimed by some as 'predictive' in the study of human diseases and drug discovery, despite a wealth of scientific evidence which disproves this claim, now supported by the evidence-based position of Trans-Species Modeling Theory (TSMT), named by Dr Ray Greek, President of Americans and Europeans for Medical Advancement (AFMA/EFMA).

The EU Commission has elected Dr Ray Greek to testify in person at this hearing.

The TSMT is based on current understanding of Evolutionary Biology and Complexity Science: http://www.afma-curedisease.org/tsmt.aspx

The science hearing in Brussels will be in 3 parts, each an hour long and televised live.

Part One: Dr Ray Greek presenting Trans-Species Modeling Theory in light of current scientific understanding, followed by Q&A.

Part Two: An EC scientist who supports animal experimentation followed by Q&A.

Part Three: An EC representative on animal welfare followed by Q&A.


Eighty three Westminster candidates (previously MPs) support this medical science hearing at the EU Parliament on Monday 11th May having signed EDM 263 and 22 calling for properly moderated, public scientific debates about the claims that animal models can allegedly 'predict' the responses of patients. The rigorous academic conditions for these debates have already been endorsed as "well set out and fair" by Britain's foremost human rights defence barrister, Michael Mansfield QC.


06/05/2015 - PRESS RELEASE: Speaking of Human Based Research

Over a MILLION Europeans have forced a scientific hearing at EU Parliament

MAY 11th 3.00pm - 6.30pm

Historic Medical Scientific Hearing at EU Parliament -

following pressure from over a million EU citizens.


Editor notes

Media Interviews available with:

1. Dr Ray Greek: DrRayGreek@gmail.com Tel: 001 805 685 6812

Louise Owen, Director, the science-based Parliamentary campaign For Life On Earth http://www.forlifeonearth.org Tel: 07751 873 389

2. Alex Irving PR spokesperson for Speaking of Human Based Research http://speakingofhumanbasedresearch.com Tel: 07739531256

Dr Ray Greek's testimony t'o UK hearing in 2002

In 2002, Dr Greek was engaged as chief scientific witness for a coalition formed to oppose Cambridge University's proposed primate lab, which was to be built on Green Belt land: this meant Cambridge University had to prove their experiments on primates were going to be 'medically and scientifically in the national interest'. Dr Greek's five hour oral witness testimony and written proof of evidence defeated the primate lab a with a precedent scientific ruling.

AFMA/EFMA publications and website

Five books and numerous peer reviews articles in the scientific literature http://www.afma-curedisease.org/resources.aspx

British Medical Journal June 2014 - Fiona Godlee, editor in chief BMJ 'How Predictive and Productive is Animal Research?' http://www.bmj.com/content/348/bmj.g3719

For Immediate Release: Wednesday 6th May 2015